It has been a long time since I've been on here... I feel slightly bad, but not too bad. I've just had WAY too much going on to even think about writing on here. And having a bit too much fun too :) I'll update eventually... but for now, I thought I'd share what we've been up to most recently.
Realizing that it's really late and we'd better get to bed if we want to make it to work in the morning (like right now.)
That's pretty much it. So the long weekend for the 4th of July was very much needed. Saturday morning, I woke up to a clean kitchen, french toast breakfast, and fresh picked flowers courtesy of Seth. He's so sweet :)
That night was when most of the big firework shows were going on in Provo. We planned on going up the canyon to watch out over the valley like we did last year, but then we got a babysitting job. I decided that we could use the extra change. Plus I miss playing with little kids.
We babysat these triplets that are almost 3. Two boys and a girl. The boys have some hearing problems so they are just starting to talk. They were so adorable. We only played with them for an hour before it was their bedtime. I peeked outside, hoping we could see some of the fireworks but alas, the houses in that neighborhood were just too big. We couldn't see anything. So we spend they rest of the evening watching a movie.
Monday was great because we got the day off work! We had a lazy day, then in the afternoon, went fishing with some of our friends. It was Seth's first time fishing (sort of.) We didn't catch any, and Seth is convinced that he's cursed and it was because of him. Don't worry, I'll make sure he catches a big one before the Summer's over.
Even though we didn't catch anything, it was a perfect day at the lake. The weather was beautiful and we weren't hot or cold at all. Just perfect :)
Check out those ripped traps!
Even though he didn't catch anything, I have to say, he's got an awesome cast.
In the meantime, I got bored with waiting for a bite. So I harnessed the power of the sun.
Then I took my ring on a photoshoot. I've never gotten good pictures of my ring before. I tried when we were engaged, but I could never get any clear pictures. For some reason, the conditions that night were perfect. And for some other reason, Seth's phone takes way better pictures than my camera... I don't get it.
Ring on a rock. One of my favorites. I love how it focused on the ring so well and blurred the background.
Ring in a tree.
Ring on a fishing bobber.
Ring on a water pump.
Ring on a leaf.
My absolute favorite. Ring in the dried up reeds that line the shore. I love all the textures.
I loved the sailboats at the dock.
And here was our spot on the shore. It was so beautiful... we just might need to go back every weekend!
* * *
So there's your update. More will come. Maybe sooner, maybe later. We'll see. In the meantime, enjoy your Summer!