Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Disclaimer: This post is really nothing but an angry rant. I am not an angry person. This is probably the most angry you will ever see me. Feel free to skip this post. I just needed to vent a bit.

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Last week, we went up to Washington for a little vacation with Seth's family. It was so wonderful! We had lots and lots of fun and have lots of great pictures. I was planning on being totally blogtastic this week. But I have a feeling it's not going to happen. At least for a few more days...

We got home from our amazing trip Saturday night. By the time we got back to our house in Provo, it was around one in the morning. We were exhausted and couldn't wait to just fall into bed. I opened the door and walked in. This is what I heard: "SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH" with each step I took. I looked down and realized that our carpet was soaked at the same moment I felt water soaking through my shoes. Great.

When we first moved into our apartment, we noticed that the carpets in the living room felt slightly damp. It was so slight, that we weren't sure if we were imagining it. Maybe it was just cold? But we called our management company and told them to send someone out to look at it, just in case. 

Well, no one ever came. We called a few more times, with this and a few more problems, and still no one has come to our house. I started to get a little irritated but because the carpet wasn't getting any worse, I just tried to be patient and not worry about it too much. 

Now, I'm really upset. We were gone for over a week, so we don't know how long the carpet has been like this. We do know it was raining a lot, so it may have been from that. But it's so wet that in places, you can see the water drops resting on the top of the carpet. And it doesn't seem to be drying at all either.

So at 1:30 on Saturday night, I called our management company and left them a very heated message. I knew no one was there and that no one would be there until today because of Memorial Day. However, I was mad. I'm not the kind of person that gets mad very easily. Or is very assertive or likes to talk to people on the phone or likes confrontation. At all. But I think I snapped. Our whole house smells like mildew and it's really disgusting. We've been trying to keep all of the doors closed and even put up a curtain so the smell would stay mostly in the living room. Somehow, it still finds a way to seep through.

Sunday morning, I woke up sick. Probably from all the mildew and stuff in the air. We didn't even make it to church on Sunday because I was sick and we were trying to get everything out of the living room. We really hope all of our furniture isn't damaged beyond repair. After moving everything, we sort of re-packed our still packed bags and headed up to my parents' house so we could shower without getting moldey again, and so we could sleep in clean air. We spent last night there too because we didn't want to come back here, then came back to Provo this morning for work. I'm not sure where we'll stay tonight. I feel a little bit homeless, living half at my parents' house, half out of suitcases from our vacation.

Not only will we need new carpet, but we really need to figure out where the leak is coming from. I really hope someone can find it. I went into our management office today and demanded that she get someone to come out here TODAY. The plumber called Seth and said he could probably come this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Well, he never came today. All I can say is, he better come tomorrow.

Sorry for the rant. If you can't tell, I'm really not very happy about this. Ok. Now I better go try to unpack and do some laundry... which I haven't done yet because all of our living room furniture is crowded into our kitchen and bedroom. There is not much space left to move around. 


Anyway, I'll try to blog about happier things later in the week. Maybe by then I'll be in a better mood.



  1. Oh NO!!! Amber, that is awful. I'm so sorry! Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I'm just across the street if you need anything! Love you!


  2. Oh my gosh, I am SO sorry Amber! So before Lee and I got married we had all of our stuff moved into our apartment so that as soon as we were married we could just "go home" and not have to do all that moving stuff. Well, we had a bit of time between the marriage ceremony and the reception so we decided to head back to our apartment and eat lunch, and when we walked in, the carpet was SOAKED. Thankfully most of it was in the hall way, but it had seeped into our bedroom too... I think it was a leak from the wash machine. Anyways, while we were on our honeymoon they tried to dry it out and fix it for us, but it was still slightly damp when we got home.... so call me to vent ANY time ok!?!



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