Wednesday, November 18, 2009


THREE TIMES!!! This is no joke people! This is serious. Lately, I've been having a little trouble in the kitchen. The knives have apparently decided to band against me. The last three times I have decided to do some serious cutting, they have cleverly wriggled their way out of my firm grasp and thrust their razor sharp blades into my helpless fingers. Here you will see all three victims of the stabbings in chronological order.

The third stabbing was committed this evening at around seven o' clock when I was innocently slicing a tomato for a delicious dinner of BLT's. Then, the knife violently turned on me. Why knife? WHY???!!! Seth has threatened to discontinue my knife privileges, but I am the victim here! Apparently it will remain up to me to put down this revolt of the demon blades and restore peace to my humble kitchen.

Knives, you better watch out. Knives and daggers may cut through matter but... um... spoons will never hurt me. It is resolved. I will resort to a boycott of all sharp kitchen utensils and opt for spoons until the this rebel band of cutlery decides to enter into peace negotiations. Take that.

My fingers hurt :(



  1. aww, poor amber! We need to get you some finger guard thing... I wonder if they have those. Anyways, I got my curtains at JCPenny. They were on a MAJOR sale. I saved l like 140 bucks on them! (The valance and two panels came to 50, which isn't bad!)

  2. Aaah! Amber! Stabbage is no bueno... :( I hope that those knives have realized who is really in charge in that kitchen... :)

    P.S., we SO need to catch up!!! Thanks for your comment on my blog. :) I agree, we must have a chat. I feel like I don't know what's going on in your life either, so we should discuss! I'll let you know (probably after the break) when we can get together and converse. :) Love ya!



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