Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chipmunk Cheeks...

So I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday... and let me tell you, it was a party. 

Actually, everything went really well. Everything has gone smoothly so far and I woke up this morning with not much pain (there was pain, but not as bad as I expected.) I didn't swell yesterday but I woke up this morning  with puffier cheeks. Then Seth accidentally hit my cheek with his arm and now I have this...



Lovely. And might I say that is a fantastic picture of me..... um...

But really, the swelling isn't that bad. It just makes my face square shaped.

Now body, work your magic. And liquid diet, continue to be delicious. At least until I can eat real food again.


1 comment:

  1. Oh I am SOOO relieved that it went so well! I was afraid that their practice meds wouldn't work... so SOOO happy for you! And you MADE money!? Lucky duck :) If I lived closer I would make you some stellar green jello haha :D



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