Friday, March 5, 2010

Inspiration- Dining Room

Dedicated to my sister-in-law Megan :) love you Megs.

I put this Inspiration Board together on Just so you all know, this is the (very rough draft) inspiration for our future dining room. Someday. When we have a dining room :)
 If you are like me and are slightly obsessed with decorating but don't have an outlet, I would suggest Polyvore. You can use it to put together inspiration boards for anything really. 

I used to want a yellow living room with a similar vibe to the dining room above. However, I realized I'd rather have a calmer color like blue for a living room. I then came to the ultimate conclusion that the perfect color for a dining room is yellow. At least for my dining room.   

I am the kind of person that loves to plan for things like this long in advance. I have had every room in my future house (including possible rooms that a house may randomly have... you never know) planned out for as long as I can remember. And though I tweak my ideas every once in awhile, I figure if I like them for that long, they'll hopefully stand the test of time. I also had my wedding basically planned out at 12 years old. 

Also, I'm calling dibbs on this inspiration. Seriously, if I come to your house and your dining room has yellow striped and damask walls, dark wood floors, a big black table with mismatched black chairs, big antique white buffet, vintage silver tea sets, rustic not-too-formal chandelier, and a vase of ivory roses on the table... I may be upset. But then, yellow is a happy color and I may just love it so much that I cant help but forgive you. Curse you.


What colors/elements inspire you? What about colors that you would love in specific rooms in your house? Or am I just weird about stuff like this and normal people don't think like this... haha let me know what you think.

Now, I am excited to leave for Idaho in a few minutes. I hope I'm not still nauseous and dizzy when I meet baby Hailey... dumb antibiotics.



  1. I think it's fabulous that you have inspiration boards... I don't know anything about home decorating!!!! lol!

  2. Wow, beautiful! I love that design/look!



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