Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Madness of March

As the title of this post would suggest, March was a mad month for us. I am not referring to basketball in any way. I'm thinking more mad like this: 

Did you see this movie?? We loved it!!! I love Tim Burton. And Johnny Depp. He's so talented (but no, I do not find him attractive... yuck. Yes captain Jack is cool, but he's gross.)

It was more like that kind of mad. Crazy, twisted, out of control mad. As Alice said in the 1951 classic, "Nothing [was] what it [was] because everything [was] what it [wasn't]. And contrary-wise; what it [was] wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" 

Now do you get it? ... Ok so maybe March wasn't quite that mad. Mainly it was just super busy. But that was how it felt at times.

So because of all this madness, I have not had much time to update this blog. But because March was so busy, I have many things that need to be put on this blog. So I will start now and see how far I get. The posts will go by topic because if I did it all at once, this post would go on forever. I'm going to try the short (haha... right. I never write anything short) and sweet approach.

One thing that got me through March was hanging out with friends. We try to have a game night every week with Seth's old missionary companion and roommate Brenton and his wife Sabrina. They had us over for Sunday dinner one week and they made amazing Japanese food. We were in charge of dessert so I made this cake:

I've never made a real homemade cake before, so it was an experience. It was called Best Ever Chocolate Fudge Layer Cake and it was made with chocolate pudding so the cake was really moist and fudgey. The frosting was homemade too - basically just melted whipped cream and chocolate... for some reason it didn't really thicken like it was supposed to so it sort of dripped down the cake. But it was delicious nonetheless. 

Since getting married, I have realized that I really enjoy cooking and baking. It is such a stress reliever for me. 

* * *

In other news, we might be getting a table soon! Our apartment is so small that there isn't really room for a dining table. We have a drop leaf table in the kitchen that seats the two of us and that's it. We've been wanting a table for awhile so we can have people over for dinner, but so far it hasn't happened. It would have to be something that can fold down and be stored away when we're not using it. I found one that I think should work on craigslist for free! So now we just have to find a way to get up to Salt Lake before someone else takes it.

So friends and family, you may start expecting dinner invites any day now :) I hope. Fingers crossed.

* * *

I am also excited to get a table so we can have parties and have somewhere to put the food. When Alice came out, I wanted to have a Mad Hatter party where everyone would wear crazy hats and we'd celebrate our un-birthdays by eating cake and tea. Not real tea of course. As Elder Holland said this last conference, "You shouldn't be serving tea anyway." Hahaha, I couldn't stop laughing when he said that.

And of course, I would have the tea (herbal and other delicious beverages) all over the table in a random assortment of miniature tea sets. Which, conveniently, I collect! I have a bit of an obsession with tea sets. Which may explain these pictures: 

They are some of my favorite bridal shots. Which I had taken, guess where... at the Beehive Tearoom in Salt Lake!

* * *

I would like to take this time to apologize for the scatterbrainededness of this post. Now maybe you'll understand how mad I have become from this last month. My brain now travels a bajillion miles per hour. Hopefully writing everything out will act as a sort of therapy and get my mind straightened out. Hopefully.



  1. Ok, so I LOVED LOVED LOVED Alice in Wonderland! I was so impressed with the way the story line developed and the characters did an amazing job! I can't wait to watch it again when it comes out to rent :)I'm glad you guys liked it too!

  2. I love your bridal pictures! How fun!



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