Friday, April 30, 2010

So Grateful

Last night was a bad night for me. I just kind of had a melt down, and I'm not really sure why. Too much stress, not enough sleep, and malnourishment from being sick probably. I was stuck in a rut and felt lonely, even though Seth was there with me. It a really tough time and I couldn't get myself together. When we got into bed, I was still really upset. Seth asked me if I would like a blessing. 

We got out of bed and he sat me down to give me the blessing. It was incredible. It was so powerful and we both ended up in tears. The words were exactly what I needed to hear. The counsel from my Father in Heaven was so personally fitted to my situation that it was overwhelming. I learned what I need to do be comforted and help myself grow. 

After the blessing, I thanked Seth. He said, "It wasn't me." I knew it wasn't. Some of the things he said could not have come from him. He is my husband and knows me better than anyone, but some things he said touched deeper parts of me that I don't think he has come to understand yet. Only someone who knew me completely and better than myself could see and understand those parts of me. 

I told him, "I know. But thank you for being able to." I cannot express how thankful I am to be married to such a man. Not only is he good in everything he does and loves me ridiculous amounts, he has made sure he is worthy to hold the priesthood. I don't know how to explain how good it feels to have that power in my home.

I could probably ramble on a lot more, trying to explain how it feels and how happy it has made me. I will simply end by expressing my gratitude to my Father in Heaven for loving me so individually and for blessing me with a husband who can help me see that love, and stay by my side as we work to be with Him again someday.



  1. Thanks for posting this, Amber. I love you!

  2. What a touching post. You nearly brought me to tears. I am so thankful that my brother is such a man for you. I am SO thankful that I have such a man in my home as well. Its a woman thing, those meltdowns. Any time you feel alone like that you are always welcome to call me. Some times it just helps a little to talk to another gal. I have many-a-meltdowns where there are too many pressures combined, and I just loose it. Prayer and blessings are.... heaven sent. Love you :)

  3. Amber,
    Thank you for sharing this post! You and your husband are such a beautiful example of eternity. You've inspired me and renewed my faith. I felt the spirit so strongly as I read this. I know that I want someday what you have found. You are one of the most amazing girls I know.. thank you for sharing your life!



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