Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Singin' in the Rain!

This morning, I woke up to the pitter patter of rain on outside our bedroom window. Immediately, I was in a perfect mood.

I've mentioned before that I love rain. Of course there are those days when it is supposed to be sunny and the rain just puts a damper (no pun intended) on everything. Today was NOT one of those days. I heard the rain outside and got out of bed, excited for a perfect rainy day. 

Yesterday, I was stuck in the house all day. I was sick and just felt gross all day. For some reason, a rainy day feels like just what I need today. Freshen things up and cozy up with a book while I finish recovering.

As I walked around the house, I discovered that Seth had almost completely finished unpacking and organizing our house after I went to bed. There were boxes everywhere last night, and when I woke up, POOF! They were gone. He's such an amazing man. 

I decided to make him something special for breakfast. French toast. He always seems to want that for breakfast. (Shortly after that, I realized there wasn't enough time and I needed to get him up if he was going to make it to work.) As I was walking around the kitchen, trying to get breakfast together, a song popped into my head. "Doodle doo doo doo di doodle doo doo di doodle doo.... I'm SINGIN' in the rain..."

Which always ends up turning into "I'm dancin' in the rain!" I'm a dancer. Not much of a singer. So I've changed the song to fit me.

* * *


This song now pops into my head a bit more than it used to. It all started last Summer. My roommate Briana asked me to be in the play Singin' in the Rain with her. It was such a fun experience! I'd never been in a musical before so I definitely learned a lot. I even learned how to sing properly... a little bit :)

I  loved performing again. I hadn't danced for over a year and I was craving the spotlight again. Strange because I'm so shy, but I do miss the stage. (I did get to dance quite a bit too because I was one of the dancer girls.)

I also loved trying to create my own character. We do this in dance too, but you express yourself much differently in dance. In theater, you have to act more like that person really would... which was interesting to figure out. Especially a person from a different era. 

And I love the 1920s :)

 All the dancer girls in our "Beautiful Girl" costumes

 Flappers with Don and Cosmo

We got to tap a little bit! YAY!

Fun backstage between Acts.

I had such a fun experience with this. But it did take a TON of my time. Which was a little hard because I was also trying to put together a wedding... and Seth hated that I was gone for rehearsals so much. Alas, that will probably be my first, and last, play. I'm not too crushed... not really sure it's quite my thing. But it was definitely a lot of fun to try. I'm glad I can say I've had that experience now. 

* * *

On that same note, ever since being in the play, I have gained a new appreciation for the music. I always loved the movie, especially Gene Kelly, but now I feel more of a personal connection with it.

Which is why I loved this SO much when my coworker showed it to me. Enjoy!


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