Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Missing Miss Olivia...

Olivia is my camera. A couple of months ago, she died. Usually, reviving a dead camera is an easy procedure. However, my key piece of equipment (the power cord) was missing. So I ordered a new one from ebay. For a dollar. From a guy in China. It never came. (Should've known.) Now my poor Olivia is stuck in a vegetable state because I am determined to bring her back but too cheap to pay a lot of money for a cord I know I'll find one of these days. I'll figure something out... hopefully soon. Olivia has been missing out on a lot of my life experiences.

In loving memory of my dear Olivia, I will share with you the best picture we ever took together ("best" meaning most looks-like-a-professional-photographer-took-this-esque. there is another category of "best" for pictures that depict the most meaningful memories. although interestingly, this one kind of succeeds at both...)

Come back to us soon Olivia.

PS: I have long had a secret interest in photography but never really pursued it. In my younger years, I wanted to be a wedding photographer when I grew up. If any of you have any experience or tips that would be helpful to a novice like me (once I have a camera, that is,) please pass them along. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday.

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